Entertainment, Inspiration, Lifestyle, motivation

Why I write.

From an early age, perhaps eight or nine, I discovered I love to write. I write basically about anything or idea that pops up in my head. I always made sure to keep my school pen safe and a spare exercise book exclusively for writing.   I read a lot as a kid. Still do… Continue reading Why I write.

Entertainment, Family, Lifestyle

Pros & Cons of Gender Equality.

There has been some debate on this topic around the world, some spark negativity, arrogance & hatred, others seem to be more subtle & polite. Let's take a moment to analyze this subject. Firstly, let's understand the terms " gender equality & Feminism". Gender equality is the view that men & women should receive equal… Continue reading Pros & Cons of Gender Equality.

Inspiration, Lifestyle

Climbing the ladder of success.

Hey guys, it's another brand new week & I'm glad to share this post with you. You know I love to inspire you, just as I do myself. 😊 Last week, I wrote on VISION. If you missed it, please go Here.  So this week, I'm going to talk about attaining that height of success. I… Continue reading Climbing the ladder of success.


Black lives indeed matter!

I don't know if I should talk about this but I feel the need to. I mean... We're all encouraged to speak up especially on issues that concern lives. Recently, there's been an increase in the number of police shootings especially on innocent, unarmed black lives. You see/ watch on news channels how a life… Continue reading Black lives indeed matter!

Entertainment, Inspiration, Lifestyle

Throwback Thursday#2

Hi guys, it's Thursday, each day brings me some bit of excitement cos I get to gist with you guys. Usually, in the social media circle, Thursdays are known for throwbacks #TBT , and for today, I'm going to take you back to some old hairstyles that are making a big comeback. You guys remember… Continue reading Throwback Thursday#2

Entertainment, Lifestyle

10 random facts about me.

So today, I want to talk about me. I'm going to write ten random facts about me. I had a conversation with a former course-mate sometime ago, we attended lectures together, sat for exams, and studied for a whole five years at the university. she said..."I never got to really know you on a personal level… Continue reading 10 random facts about me.

Entertainment, Inspiration, Lifestyle


A vision is like a burden, an urge or a need to effect a change & contribute to something or to serve. It could be a task or an obligation to accomplish something. A vision could also be a set- goal(s) of what we hope to achieve, a clear-cut direction of where we are going… Continue reading VISION.

Entertainment, Lifestyle

Customer service.

Most people do their shopping on weekends, or visit the cinema, spa, malls, supermarkets, etc. And there's usually a particular person whom one makes contact with on entrance to these places. Either the receptionist, front-desk officer, customer service representative, sales person or cashier.   Believe me, your whole experience to that place will largely depend… Continue reading Customer service.

Entertainment, Inspiration, Lifestyle


You guys remember that Internet- sensation story about a certain bread seller who walked unknowingly into a photoshoot on one street in Lagos Nigeria and then hit fame & fortune? She was hustling everyday selling bread, she left her husband & child back in her hometown & travelled to another city (Lagos) in search of… Continue reading Grass-to-Grace

Entertainment, Inspiration, Lifestyle

Writer’s block

Its daybreak, I'm a bit tired, I have no idea what to write about today. I've not exactly been consistent with writing lately. I had cold & cough in the last week & took some time off to get back to health. Now I'm strong but I guess I have the "writers block" at the… Continue reading Writer’s block

Entertainment, Lifestyle

My favorite DIY hair mask

So for a few months now, I stopped applying unnecessary chemicals on my hair and went natural. I even had to trim off my relaxed ends in other to grow a more healthy hair. Blow-dryers, heat & some chemicals causes a lot of damage to our hair hence my decision. in the course of my… Continue reading My favorite DIY hair mask

Entertainment, Lifestyle


It's Thursday, it's retro, usually termed " Throwback Thursday" with hashtag #TBT. In the spirit of retro, I'm going to throw our memories back between 2000-2005 in the history of phone Technology in Nigeria. Before the invention of IPhones,Samsung galaxies & notes, blackberry, HTC and co,  there were other phones amongst which is the strong… Continue reading Retro-Thursday

Entertainment, Lifestyle

Celebrity crush wednesday

Yassss! It's Wednesday, I'm so excited. It's another day to profile one of our celebs, share a few things we could learn from them & why we love them. Yassss! It's the second edition of our "celebrity crush Wednesday".  drumstick So this week, our celebrity crush Wednesday is none other than Oluchi Onweagba Orlandi, the… Continue reading Celebrity crush wednesday

Entertainment, Lifestyle

How do you show yourself love?

Life can get hectic sometimes. From waking up very early everyday & preparing for work, to staying in traffic several hours to/fro, to coming back late in the night, to cooking, laundry, etc. For Mums who juggle career plus Homefront, it can be tedious. Most times, the kids are left at the mercy of a… Continue reading How do you show yourself love?

Inspiration, Lifestyle

#MondayMotivation~what is in your hands?

Sitting in the living room the other day, seeing this comical movie by a popular actor, I was so thrilled by his natural comedic expressions & character. His smooth, effortless delivery of role. I imagined if in reality, he was any different cos i couldn't figure a distinction between himself & the character. He was… Continue reading #MondayMotivation~what is in your hands?