Entertainment, Inspiration, Lifestyle, motivation

5 Inspiring real life stories of people who didn’t let their circumstances define them.

Hey guys, it’s weekend whoop! Whoop!

So today, I’m sharing with you real life stories of people who pushed beyond boundaries and didn’t let their circumstances define them. As you know, my blog is about inspiration, to inspire people to live their happiest and best lives. If you’d like to keep updated with stories and writings such as this, click the follow blog button at the sidebar of your screen, if you’re using your mobile, it’s right down as you scroll.

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My first story is this woman, once diagnosed with clinical depression and contemplated suicide. Had a failed marriage and a dependent daughter. She lived on government grants to support herself and her child. In 1990, on a four-hour delayed train trip to London from Manchester, the idea for a story of a young boy attending a school of wizardry came fully formed in her mind.

In 1995, by the time she’d finished the manuscript for the first book and sent to twelve publishing houses, they were all rejected. She was then adviced to get a day job since she had little or no chance of making money through writing children’s books.

Today, she’s UK’s best-selling living author with an estimated worth of $1billion. She’s JK Rowling of the Harry Potter Franchise.

ad88bbe9-52c5-466b-b421-8d3bf30872d2-3243-0000027a6f93be1b_tmp                        (Nothing is impossible).

He went to Dover school but dropped out before completing his education. Did many menial jobs after dropping out. He later co-owned E&S music which didn’t last long. In 1985, He formed the Fanfare record with partner Lain Burton which also flopped. In 1989, the company closed down forcing him to move back to his parents.

At 32 years of age, he had £5.26 in his pocket. He lost everything and was completely broke. He used that last £5.26 to pay his taxi fare back to his parents after loosing his home.He recalls hoping and praying that the taxi fare wouldn’t cost more than £5.26. He didn’t quit on himself afterwards. He created the highly successful “Xfactor” and “Got Talent” which became popular in the US and U.K that led to spin-offs in several other countries all over the world. He was one of the judges on “American idol“. Worth $550million, his name is Simon Cowell.


(You learn more from failure than from success. Don’t let it stop you. Failure builds character).

This Nigerian-born singer from Ebonyi state started out by selling rat-killer poisons on the streets of Lagos and was once a bricklayer. He grew up in a slum called Ilaje in Ebuttemetta. He started out his musical career as a street jam and carnival dancer. Later he signed a record deal with KSolo’s Record company in 2010 before becoming a protègè of Timaya’s Dem mama record which he also later left.

He was a judge at “The voice Nigeriaseason 1, a huge singing contest spin-off of “The VoiceUS.  He’s a household name in music, have won several awards and signed big endorsement deals. His name is Patrick Nnaemeka Okorie popularly known as Patoranking. Born 27 May, 1990. His net worth is estimated at 400Million Naira.


( Do not despise the days of little beginnings)

Okene Kogi-state born Nigerian A-list actress recalls living in an uncompleted building with her mother and siblings and lizards. It rained and ‘sunned’ on them. Sometimes, they had to look for sticks to help make a temporary roof. Her brothers did several menial bricklaying jobs to feed the family. While she worked as a house cleaner in order to survive. She also hawked “pure”(sachet) water on the streets to survive.

After failing her university entrance exam(Jamb), she resorted to auditioning for movie roles. She was shot to limelight by her role in the movie “the maid” in 2004. Her performance paved way for many more roles which led to her success. She’s won many awards and signed endorsements worth millions of Naira. She’s a top actress in Nigeria and her net worth is estimated at 600million Naira. Her name is Mercy JohnsonOkojie.


( When life brings struggles, it pays to see the light at the end of the tunnel).

This Ohio-born sex and the city star grew up in relative poverty. She was raised by her mother after her parents divorced shortly after her birth. She’s the fourth of eight children. Her mom encouraged her love for dance and she was able to scrape up enough money to send her to singing and ballet lessons. She landed her first broadway role at age 11 and was able to support her family from dancing and singing gigs.

She recalls not having electricity at their home, no Christmas or birthday celebrations and many times , the bill collectors from the phone company would shut their phones off. Her step-father who was a trunk driver could hardly take care of the family. They were on welfare.

Today, she’s a world-wide famous movie and fashion icon and owns her perfume NYC and Lovely lines, her shoe-line SJP and her cloth line LBD by SJP. With many endorsements and awards, she’s estimated at net worth of $90million. She’s Sarah Jessica Parker.


PS: If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you ~ Steve Jobs.

Real winners don’t give up!


Jessica Hugo


30 thoughts on “5 Inspiring real life stories of people who didn’t let their circumstances define them.”

  1. Very intriguing & meaningful real-life stories of famous people today. I totally agree – failure is the first step of success. They didn’t just become celebrities in1 day or from their first trial. Thankyou for sharing these! A Great Post! 🙂 ❤️ (check out my latest blog post if you don’t mind 😊)


    1. Hi dear, thanks for your time. Yea failing doesn’t mean the end of the world, if we can pick ourselves up and move ahead, then we’d surely achieve our dreams.
      Checking your blog now ☺️, thanks for contributing.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post showing the adversity and resiliency of some well known celebrities. I have always enjoyed SJP and didn’t realize how tough of a childhood life she had. Thanks for sharing!


  3. I love hearing and reading inspiring stories but I’m always like does a person have to fail over and over or keep being rejected before they finally make it big? And secondly, do they have to be older before they become successful. I’m almost 20 and I feel so bad for not having a name yet because look around, children and teens are making it big already. Kylie Jenner my age mate last year bought her boyfriend a bentley during the summer, can I buy my boyfriend a normal regular car even talkless of a Bentley? I really want to know what you think. I used to dream of being on all those Forbes lists like under 25 you know! So I’m done ranting!


    1. Haha Daniella, really hilarious. You have to recognize that everyone has different destinies and everyone has a unique experience & story. Some people were born into very wealthy homes & have never really had to work hard for anything. While some others have to start from the scratch. Kylie grew up under the lights of camera. She had everything almost done for her b4 she got of age but she still works hard. She has her cosmetic range & other businesses too. Except you’re Kylie, you probably need to work extremely hard and perhaps the universe will align to your being able to afford your boyfriend a Bentley. Otherwise, please be Daniella, accept your uniqueness and create your own story. Not all stories will be the same but atleast it’s ok to leave a mark.
      I hope this helps. Lol . Thanks for your comment.


  4. Very Thought Provoking… The only time we truly fail is when we give up. Am glad I didn’t give up on my blogging, even though it’s my 3rd attempt and extremely pleased that against all odds I gave http://www.larateshola.com a shot again! also glad I found your blog, find it very inspiring! do have a great week dear.


    1. Awwhh Lara, such a lovely compliment thanks so much. I’m glad you didn’t give up! Many a times we get bitten by that bug. But if ure passionate about a thing, you find a way to keep on. These are examples of people so determined to achieve their goals & no matter how bad it was at the beginning or unfortunate circumstances they found themselves, they didn’t quit on their dreams.
      Glad to meet you. Have a lovely week too. ❤️️


  5. What a beautiful post. I had no idea about SJP’s upbringing and it really makes me love her more for some reason. I also adore JK Rowlings story. I find it so inspirational being a writer myself (whose taken more than five years to complete her own manuscript). I’ve also always found Richard Bransons story uber inspirational.



    1. Sonia, I’m so grateful for ur comment. real people with real success stories can definitely inspire us to look beyond whatever circumstances and pursue our dreams. I found manuscripts of two books I wrote a few years back & am so glad. I’ve been working on a new book & believe me, I can totally relate with you. If we can be so determined, we can definitely get there


  6. I think one shouldn’t look forward to failing first but if ever you experience a Low point, and if you can get right back up and don’t quit, then you’d definitely reach your goals. Thanks Antovska for contributing, I really do appreciate. Hope you stick around. 😊


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