Inspiration, Lifestyle, motivation

What is commitment and why should you commit to anything at all?

I feel the strong determination to strive to be better than who I was yesterday through personal development. I am committing to personal development mentally and otherwise. That's commitment. Commitment involves dedicating yourself to something or somethings  as the case may be, a firm decision to do a cause. It is the willingness to invest… Continue reading What is commitment and why should you commit to anything at all?

Inspiration, Lifestyle, motivation

Stressed? 7 proven ways to get relief.

Stress is a feeling we experience whether short term or long term, in our career, education, and everyday life. Sometimes, certain situations overwhelm us and we begin to feel "out of control". We may feel tensed, agitated, moody, depressed, anxious, excited or even angry. To respond to that stress, our brain releases stress hormones to… Continue reading Stressed? 7 proven ways to get relief.

Entertainment, Lifestyle

What if…( crazy random thoughts)

So recently, I've been thinking out loud. This crazy random thoughts bugging my mind and going on and on in my head. Was reading a magazine this morning and my head started imagining  weird things and wondering if they actually happen in reality, how it'll play out. It's so humorous but then again it won't… Continue reading What if…( crazy random thoughts)


No testimony without a test!

Sometimes life seems unfair.. Sometimes it feels like the world is turning upside down.. The struggles are real and you ask...why me? Sometimes you loose sight of the possibilities because all your eyes can see is all the bad things happening around. Sometimes you want to throw in the towel and say I'm done! It's… Continue reading No testimony without a test!

Inspiration, Lifestyle

Noise vs Sound reality!

It isn't difficult to differentiate between noise and sound. Noise is an unpleasant sound that isn't wanted. Sound itself is a vibration that travels through air, water and sensed by the ear. Noise can be sound, the main difference is that whereas noise is undesirable, sound is, whereas noise is irrelevant, sound is. In our… Continue reading Noise vs Sound reality!

Entertainment, Lifestyle, Uncategorized

Beauty Hack: Achieving a spotless skin.

Hey guys, so today I want to share a fair share of my challenges to achieving a spotless skin. Everyone wants a sparkling skin right? So do I. A woman's body changes a lot during/after pregnancy /child-birth or even due to aging or too much sun exposure. From excess melanin production leading to hyper pigmentation… Continue reading Beauty Hack: Achieving a spotless skin.

Entertainment, Inspiration, Lifestyle

Here’s why you should smile today..😄

Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of live, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.~ Mother Teresa. The Universal Language of kindness they say is smile...when you smile, you send a message to your brain that you're happy. When you smile at someone, you brighten their day because you may… Continue reading Here’s why you should smile today..😄

Entertainment, Lifestyle

My love 4 Saturday…

I couldn't think of a topic to express my love for Saturdays..I love Saturdays, I sincerely do. I fell in love with Saturdays back in primary school when I knew you don't have to wake up early to go to school. On Friday nights, I stay up late watching my favorite TV programs without the… Continue reading My love 4 Saturday…


Something about strength!(part 2).

" Strength doesn't come from what you can do, it comes from overcoming the things you thought you couldn't" Hi guys, today, I'm doing a part 2 of the topic "something about strength". If you missed the part 1, read Here. Most times, your best comes through persistence and overcoming challenges. The ability to go through… Continue reading Something about strength!(part 2).

Entertainment, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Uncategorized

5 things every blog-writer can relate with!

Though i'm kinda new to blogging, I've been a writer for as long as i can remember. Blogging & creating content is a life-changing experience for me. I love to write, this is Why I write. I've written many articles in the past but found it hard to properly document them so i end up loosing them,… Continue reading 5 things every blog-writer can relate with!


Something about strength!!

"Strength does not come from winning! Your struggles develop your strengths"~Arnold Schwarzenegger.  Hey guys, I was reading through a certain piece this morning when I came across this quote and it sunk in my mind and kept ringing in my head over and over again. I thought to write and share something inspiring about strength.… Continue reading Something about strength!!

Entertainment, Family, Lifestyle

6 awesome ways to sleep better.

Hi guys, I want to share with you, something that's really important yet overlooked in our very busy lives as we pursue our daily goals. Sometimes we're so busy all day and night that we do not take our own body seriously. Something as important as sleep! Sleep is one important thing everyone needs. It's a… Continue reading 6 awesome ways to sleep better.