Entertainment, Lifestyle

Live, Laugh, Love.

It's Thursday, let's share some humor. Laughter is the best medicine, a day without laughter is a wasted one. It helps us stay optimistic, fights stress, brightens our mood, strengthens the immune system, improves appearance, boosts our esteem and mental health and ultimately makes life more fun and interesting. It's very essential to inject humor… Continue reading Live, Laugh, Love.

Inspiration, Lifestyle, motivation

Sometimes, you have to be your own sunshine.

The sun illuminates our day, it shines and makes it bright. When it rises, darkness gives way and the cloud lightens up. Sometimes when you feel gloomy and sad, you have to be your own sunshine. Happiness is a choice and it totally depends on you to make yourself happy and stay happy. "Where ever… Continue reading Sometimes, you have to be your own sunshine.

Inspiration, Lifestyle, motivation

Stressed? 7 proven ways to get relief.

Stress is a feeling we experience whether short term or long term, in our career, education, and everyday life. Sometimes, certain situations overwhelm us and we begin to feel "out of control". We may feel tensed, agitated, moody, depressed, anxious, excited or even angry. To respond to that stress, our brain releases stress hormones to… Continue reading Stressed? 7 proven ways to get relief.

Entertainment, Lifestyle

Are people born gay?

This topic of discussion has been debated by clergymen, psychologists, medical professionals, politicians, scientists and even the general public. Are people born gay or is it a lifestyle choice? Sexual orientation they say is a trait some people are born with (nature). They say it is determined by biological factors such as genes or hormones… Continue reading Are people born gay?


21 random fun-facts.Did you know…

I've been reading some cool interesting stuffs lately on very mind-blowing ,weird but so-true facts. I bet there are a few things here we didnt know, just ignore or have never really thought of. Some of them will make you laugh, leave you astonished, but are all very informative and mind-blowing. Here are 21 of… Continue reading 21 random fun-facts.Did you know…


5 Simple tips for making a good first impression.

Are you like me? Inwards, reserved & sometimes shy? Even though I struggle to accept that I'm shy sometimes especially when I'm relating with an elder one or when I need to face a crowd of people, I am funnily shy sometimes. You find me looking away or face-down instead of directly at the person,… Continue reading 5 Simple tips for making a good first impression.


How to Improve your self-esteem.

Self-esteem is the evaluation of your own worth. The thoughts, feelings, opinions you have about yourself. It is usually shaped by our relationships and experiences. When you have a healthy self-esteem, it means you're confident in your own worth and abilities. However, some situations can make one develop a low self-esteem. Heartbreak, physical looks, not… Continue reading How to Improve your self-esteem.

Family, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Uncategorized

6 Things introverts can relate with…

Phew! I can't imagine it's been a whole four days. Life could get busy sometimes, the kind of busy you have little time for yourself nor to write or do a post. Well I'm here now...smiles and I'm glad you are too. About today's post, it's been on my drafts for a while now, so… Continue reading 6 Things introverts can relate with…


No testimony without a test!

Sometimes life seems unfair.. Sometimes it feels like the world is turning upside down.. The struggles are real and you ask...why me? Sometimes you loose sight of the possibilities because all your eyes can see is all the bad things happening around. Sometimes you want to throw in the towel and say I'm done! It's… Continue reading No testimony without a test!

Inspiration, Lifestyle

Noise vs Sound reality!

It isn't difficult to differentiate between noise and sound. Noise is an unpleasant sound that isn't wanted. Sound itself is a vibration that travels through air, water and sensed by the ear. Noise can be sound, the main difference is that whereas noise is undesirable, sound is, whereas noise is irrelevant, sound is. In our… Continue reading Noise vs Sound reality!

Entertainment, Lifestyle, Uncategorized

Beauty Hack: Achieving a spotless skin.

Hey guys, so today I want to share a fair share of my challenges to achieving a spotless skin. Everyone wants a sparkling skin right? So do I. A woman's body changes a lot during/after pregnancy /child-birth or even due to aging or too much sun exposure. From excess melanin production leading to hyper pigmentation… Continue reading Beauty Hack: Achieving a spotless skin.

Entertainment, Inspiration, Lifestyle

Here’s why you should smile today..😄

Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of live, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.~ Mother Teresa. The Universal Language of kindness they say is smile...when you smile, you send a message to your brain that you're happy. When you smile at someone, you brighten their day because you may… Continue reading Here’s why you should smile today..😄

Inspiration, motivation

Monday Inspiration-Keep trying…

Hey guys, welcome to a fresh day and week, another opportunity given to us to stay positive, keep striving and believing in the success of our endeavors. To never quit on ourself or think those goals, whatever it is, is not achievable. It is, but we have to keep trying. So long as there is… Continue reading Monday Inspiration-Keep trying…

Entertainment, Inspiration, Lifestyle, motivation

Finding a new you…(1 min read).

So yea, it's a new month, we're all basking in the joy of welcoming a fresh month which ushers us into the 'ember' months. New month, new blessings, new everything! How about a new you? No this isn't that normal new year resolutions, it's about finding yourself a new & being a better version of… Continue reading Finding a new you…(1 min read).

Entertainment, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Uncategorized

5 things every blog-writer can relate with!

Though i'm kinda new to blogging, I've been a writer for as long as i can remember. Blogging & creating content is a life-changing experience for me. I love to write, this is Why I write. I've written many articles in the past but found it hard to properly document them so i end up loosing them,… Continue reading 5 things every blog-writer can relate with!